Skill/Concept Development:

              1)Chest and/or bounce pass drill
                          Chest pass-step into it
                                            -thumbs down like you are "milking the cow" during the follow through
                                            -throw with force

                          Bounce pass-aim to bounce the ball 2/3rds of the way towards partner
                                                -thumbs down like you are "milking the cow" during the follow through
                                                -throw with force

                      -In groups of 4, start with players 1 & 2  facing players 3 & 4. Player 1 passes the ball to player 3 and then follows the pass so that
                        he/she is repositioned at the end of the other line ready for a pass. Player 3 passes to player 2 and then follows the pass so that
                        he/she is repositioned at the end of the other line and so on and so forth.  This is essentially a modified weave. We begin this drill
                        by using only the chest pass, then using only the bounce pass, then alternating between the 2 types of passes.

              2) 4 corners drill
                            -4 cones mark a grid of 10ft x 10ft
                            -3 players in each grid and they play at the cones, player with the ball passes to a player at a cone
                            -cannot pass diagonally so the teammates must move to a perpendicular cone
                            -extension for defense: 3 passers at the cones and one defender in the middle
              3)dribble to shoot
                            -each player has a ball
                            -dribble to any basket in the gym and finish with a shot
                                teaching points for dribble:    *pads of fingers
                                                                            *waist height
                                                                            *look up

                            - reciprocal task card

                5)simon says drill
                            -students in two lines about 10 ft. apart, facing partner, one ball between them
                            -teacher will call "simon says" ...:
                                *dribble (around partner and back)
                                *shoot (to one's self and catch)
                                *pass (either chest or bounce to partner)
                            -always start in triple threat position
                            teaching points for triple threat position:
                                        *heal to toe
                                        *knees bent
                                        *ball in at hip

                6)triple threat to pass/shoot/dribble
                            -students in groups of four at a basket
                            -one student stands under basket and calls "pass" (pass to him/her), "dribble" (dribble around him/her), "shoot" (shoot on basket)
                            -player with ball always start in triple threat position
                            -after their turn, run to end of line
                            -student under basket switches after 10 calls
                            -3 balls per group, student under basket doesn't have one